Setting Color and Font Preferences
You can set the following color and font preferences for DataConnect.
To set the color and font preferences:
1. Go to Options > Preferences.
The Preferences dialog is displayed.
2. In the left-pane, expand DataConnect and click Appearance > Color and Fonts.
3. In the main panel, select the context that the font is used in:
• Basic: Lists the fonts currently being used for fundamental UI elements. For example, hyperlink text color.
• Debug: Lists the fonts currently being used for elements in debug windows and dialogs. For example, the font for variable text.
• Structured Text Editors: Lists the fonts currently being used for structured text editors.
• Text Compare: Lists the fonts currently being used for comparing text.
• View and Editor Folders: Lists the fonts currently being used for folders.
4. Select the font > click Edit.
5. Modify in the Font editor > click OK.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025