User Guide > Setting Preferences > Setting Package and Deploy Preferences
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Setting Package and Deploy Preferences
After you design and build the integration artifacts (maps, processes and so forth) in your project, use the New Package Wizard to generate a compressed, portable package (djar) file. The djar file contains all the artifacts in your project. You can add additional artifacts to the package later.
You can execute the djar file directly from the command line of a standalone DJEngine or provide the djar file to Integration Manager. For more information, see Packaging and Deploying Integration Artifacts.
Before you create a djar file, you must configure the location for saving it. You can save it in the current workspace or in the user-defined location. By default, it is saved in the current workspace.
To set the package preferences:
1. Go to Options > Preferences.
The Preferences dialog is displayed.
2. In the left-pane, expand DataConnect, click Package and Deploy.
The Package and Deploy options are displayed.
By default, the Store package in Workspace option is selected that saves the package in the current workspace. If you want to save it in a different location, then clear this option.
3. In Packing Options, select the required options:
Store package in workspace - Select this option to save new packages in the Packages folder for each project. Use this option if you will be interfacing back and forth with Integration Manager or Actian Data Platform with your artifacts. Click Browse and specify the location where you want to save the package. The specified location is displayed in the text box. The default location is C:\Users\<username>\Actian\DataConnect\Packages.
Always create external RTC for package - Select this option to always create an external RTC with new packages. You can use the RTC with the client SDK or the -RC engine option.
Always overwrite external RTC file - If overwrite option is not selected, then an RTC file will be created to make sure that the file name is unique. The default will be created first.
packageName_entrypointName_entrypointType.rtc (default)
packageName_entrypointName_packageVersion_entrypointType.rtc (if the default file exists)
packageName_entrypointName_packageVersion_dateTimeStamp_entrypointType_.rtc (date and timestamp will be added to the subsequent versions so that the file name is unique).
4. Click Apply and Close.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025