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Text (Delimited - EDI)
EDI, or Electronic Data Interchange, uses standard formats to pass data between the disparate business systems. Third parties provide EDI services that enable organizations with different equipment to connect. Although interactive access may be a part of it, EDI implies direct computer to computer transactions into vendors' databases and ordering systems. The EDI standard is ANSI X12, developed by the Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA).
Connector-Specific Notes
Target connectors - If any Null characters (hex 00) exist in a Fixed ASCII data file, the integration platform assumes this is the end of the file and stops reading the data at the first occurrence of a Null character. If you experience this, change the source connector to "Binary".
Connector Parts
Connector parts are the fields you configure to connect with a data source or target. The fields that are available depend on the connector you select.
For a list of all parts for source connectors, see Specifying Source Connector, Parts, and Properties.
For a list of all parts for target connectors, see Specifying Target Connector, Parts, and Properties.
Property Options
You can specify the following source (S) and target (T) properties:
Allows you to specify the byte order of Unicode (wide) characters. The default is Auto and is determined by the architecture of your computer. The list box options are Auto (default), Little Endian, and Big Endian. Little Endian byte order is generally used by Intel machines and DEC Alphas and places the least significant portion of a byte value in the left portion of the memory used to store the value. Big Endian byte order is used by IBM 370 computers, Motorola microprocessors and most RISC-based systems and stores the values in the same order as the binary representation.
This is a complete list of Element Separators from which you can choose from the list:
SOH (0001)
STX (0002)
ETX (0003)
EOT (0004)
ENQ (0005)
ACK (0006)
BEL (0007)
BS (0008)
HT (0009)
LF (000A)
VT (000B)
FF (000C)
CR (000D)
SO (000E)
S1 (000F)
DLE (0010)
DC1 (0011)
DC2 (0012)
DC3 (0013)
DC4 (0014)
NAK (0015)
SYN (0016)
ETB (0017)
CAN (0018)
EM (0019)
SUB (001A)
ESC (001B)
FS/IS4 (001C)
GS/IS3 (001D)
RS/IS2 (001E)
US/IS1 (001F)
SP (0020)
! (0021)
" (0022)
# (0023)
$ (0024)
% (0025)
& (0026)
' (0027)
( (0028)
) (0029)
* (002A)
+ (002B) - Default
, (002C)
- (002D)
. (002E)
/ (002F)
: (003A)
; (003B)
< (003C)
= (003D)
> (003E)
? (003F)
@ (0040)
[ (005B)
\ (005C)
] (005D)
^ (005E)
_ (005F)
' (0060)
{ (007B)
} (007D)
~ (007E)
DEL (007F)
In this property, you may select a Segment Terminator from the list. (See the ElementSeparator list, above, for your options).
The script file used for the source structure. To change the script file, enter the new file and click OK.
This allows you to select the type of encoding used with your source and target files.
Encoding Notes
Shift-JIS encoding is meaningful only in Japanese operating systems.
UCS-2 is no longer considered a valid encoding name, but you may use UCS2. Open the data file with a Text Editor and change UCS-2 to UCS2.
Allows you to choose between standard and COBOL data types in your fixed ASCII data file. Standard is the default and means that all the data in the file is readable (lower) ASCII data.
If your fixed ASCII file contains (or needs, for a target file) COBOL display type fields and you are using a COBOL 01 copybook (fd) to define the fields, you MUST change this property option to "COBOL" before connecting to the COBOL copybook in the External Structured Schema window.
Allows you to choose a field separator character for your target file. The default is None. The other choices are comma (,), tab, space, carriage return-line feed (CR-LF), line feed (LF), carriage return (CR), line feed-carriage return (LF-CR), control-R, and pipe ( | ).
If the record separator is not one of the choices from the list and is a printable character, highlight None and then type the correct character. For example, if the separator is an asterisk ( * ), type an asterisk from the keyboard.
If the record separator is not a printable character, replace None with a backslash, an X, and the hexadecimal value for the separator. For example, if the separator is a check mark, then enter \XFB. For a list of the 256 standard and extended ASCII characters, search for "hex values" in the documentation.
Writes an ASCII data file where every field is variable length. If this property is set to false, all trailing spaces are removed from each field when the data is written. The default is true. The true setting pads all fields with spaces to the end of the field length to maintain the fixed length of the records.
Writes an ASCII data file where the last field in each record is variable length when set to true. The default is false. The false setting pads the last field with spaces to the end of the record length to maintain the fixed length of the records.
A fixed ASCII file is presumed to have a carriage return-line feed (CR-LF) between records. To use other characters as the record separator or no record separator, click the RecordSeparator cell and click once. Then click the down arrow to the right of the box and click the desired record separator in the list box. The choices are carriage return-line feed (default), line feed, carriage return, line feed-carriage return, form feed, empty line and no record separator. To use a separator other than one from the list, you can type it here.
If the record separator is not one of the choices from the list and is a printable character, highlight the CR-LF and then type the correct character. For example, if the separator is a pipe ( | ), type a pipe from the keyboard.
If the record separator is not a printable character, replace CR-LF with a backslash, an X, and the hexadecimal value for the separator. For example, if the separator is a check mark, then enter \XFB. For a list of the 256 standard and extended ASCII characters, search for "hex values" in the documentation.
If your source fixed ASCII file has embedded tab characters representing blank space, you can expand those tabs to set a number of spaces. The default value is zero. To change it, highlight the zero and type a new value.
This translation table determines which encoding to use for reading and writing data. The default is ANSI, the standard in the US.
Supported Data Types
All data in Text (Delimited – EDI) is Text, but you may use other data types. The following data types are available:
Data in each field of your target file or table has an alignment property of general, left, center, or right.
Pad Character
This option is valid only for character fields. When data does not fill a field completely, the remainder of the field may be filled with some character.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025