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Tool Box and Palette
The following options are available in Tool Box and Palette.
A normal cursor allows you to arrange icons on the canvas and perform other standard operations.
To drag-and-drop: After enabling the selection cursor (this is also the default selection), click and select an icon on the canvas. This will highlight the icon. Then, click again on the icon and hold the left mouse button, move the icon to the desired location and release the left mouse button. The icon will now be placed in the new location.
Note:  You can also right-click on the canvas, and click Selection Tool to enable the Selection cursor.
Create a link between step to establish a connection between steps.
Note:  You can also right-click on the canvas, and click Link Tool to enable the Link cursor. For more information, see Linking Steps.
The following options are available in Palette.
Used to add text on the canvas. For more information, see Adding Annotations.
The following steps are available that you can drag and drop to the Step Builder Canvas tab:
- Script step
- Decision step
- SQL step
- Alt-Transformation
- Transformation step
- Process step
- Queue step
- Iterator step
- Aggregator step
- Invoker step
- Transformer step
- Application step
- XSLT step
- Validator step
For information on adding steps, see Adding Steps.
For information about each step and its components, see Process Steps and Components.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025