Using Design Templates
This topic describes how to use the Actian DataConnect Design Templates that allow new users to quickly get started by importing a DataConnect project that contains pre-built, runnable integration process designs.
These functional templates are process designs that perform operations, which can be orchestrated into more complex, longer running integration workflow patterns. You can directly use these templates or modify them based on your requirements. To configure the templates, assign macro values for their runtime configuration settings. Macros are symbolic name-value pairs that allows you to provide the input parameters such as user names and passwords at runtime without making any changes to the integration.
You can use these templates with Actian DataConnect 11.5 and later versions. Only Actian DataConnect Studio IDE is required to run the templates. They are typically packaged, deployed, and executed using the Runtime Engine or Integration Manager.
Note: If you use Integration Manager, you can create runtime configuration templates. The templates leverage the deployed integration packages so that non-design users can configure and run the integrations according to their specific needs and environment.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025