User Guide > Using Extract Editor > Extract Editor > Viewing Extract File Properties
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Viewing Extract File Properties
After the .extract file is created or opened, the Properties tab displayed at the bottom shows the file properties. You can also right-click on the .extract file in Project Explorer and select Properties. The following properties are displayed.
Property Name
Name of the Extract Editor file. This field is read-only.
Location of the active extract file (full path).
Description about the extract file. This field is editable.
You can edit the major version number. If you modify this value, the minor version is reset to zero.
Note:  The major version number cannot be zero.
You cannot edit the minor version number. Each time you save an artifact, the minor version number of the artifact is incremented by 1.
Created By
User who has created the extract file. This field is read-only.
Created Date
Date and time when the extract file was created. This field is read-only.
Modified By
User who has last modified the extract file. This field is read-only.
Modified Date
Date and time when the extract file was last modified. This field is read-only.
Last modified date: 01/03/2025