Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting DataConnect > Execution failed for create table statement
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Execution failed for create table statement
Error Code
Error Message
Error preparing map for execution: Error 25507 opening target 'ODBC 3.5': Exec SQL failed: SQL Statement <CREATE TABLE "<TableName>" ("ColumnName1" datatype, "ColumName2" datatype, "ColumnName3" datatype)>
This error message is displayed for Ingres, ActianX, Actian Warehouse, or Vector databases, when you use a symbol as a prefix in the table name.
Cause: You cannot create and run a map that contains a symbol as a prefix in the table name.
Solution: Change the Target table name:
1. Click the Target tab.
2. Change the Target table name.
3. Save and Run the Map.
Related Information
Last modified date: 12/03/2024