Built-in Functions
• asc(s) returns the ASCII value of the first character of the string s
• fix(num) returns the integer portion of a number
• gsub(r, s, t) for each match of regular expression r in string t, substitute string s
• initcaps(s) converts the first character of each word to upper case
• int(n) returns the integer portion of a number
• isNumeric(value) returns an indicator of whether the value is numeric
• lcase(s) returns a string in all lower case
• left(s, n) returns the left most n characters of the string s
• length(s) returns the length of the string s as a number
• logmessage(t, f, p1, p2) communicates messages through the Map Designer environment
• ltrim(s) returns a string with any leading spaces removed
• namepart("[h][f][m][mi][l][t]", "string") parses the name in string into name parts, title, first, middle, middle initial, last, suffix
• readahead(i) reads in i bytes from the beginning of the current input file line
• right(s,n) returns the right most n characters of the string s
• rtrim(s) returns a string with any trailing spaces removed
• sign(n) returns the sign of the number n
• shift shifts the input fields left one field
• skip(num) skips the next num lines before processing the next line
• space(n) returns a string that consists of n spaces
• split(s, a, r) splits string s into array a on reg expression r, returns no of fields.
• string(n, s) returns a string of n first characters of the string s
• sub(r, s, t) just like gsub(), but only the first matching substring is replaced
• substr(s, i, n) returns the n-character substring of s starting at i
• transliterate(src, tgt, s) translates string from the src character set to the tgt character set
• trim(s) returns a string with all surrounding spaces removed
• ucase(s) returns a string in all upper case
• val(s) returns the numeric value of a string of characters
Last modified date: 12/03/2024