User Guide > Scripting > Writing Expressions > Scripting Keywords
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Scripting Keywords
The scripting language encompasses functions, statements, and keywords that are used in source and target filters, target field expressions, and scripts. It also employs many unique functions, which were designed to help you get the most out of your data. You may recognize VBScript, some Visual Basic functions, and some SQL statements.
Array Handling
IsArray function
Declaration (Dim, Static, etc.)
DJRowSet object type
Let, Set statements
(apostrophe): Comment out one line of code
CStyle: Comment out a block of code
Empty, Nothing, Null
True, False
User-defined literals
Flow Control
For. . . Next, For Each...Next statements
While. . . Wend statement
If. . . Then. . . Else statement
Select. . . Case statement
Function statement
Abs, Asc, Chr functions
CBool, CByte functions
CDate, CDbl, CInt functions
CLng, CSng functions
Fix, Int, Sgn functions
Bin, Hex, Oct functions
Internal Objects
DJExport, DJImport objects
DJField, DJRecord objects
Err, Sys objects
Data type
Integer, Long, Single, Double
String (must be declared ByVal)
Tip...  For date and time values, we recommend using the DateValMask Function in EZscript Script Editor for better format conversion results.
CDate, Date, Time functions
Day, Month, Weekday, Year functions
Hour, Minute, Second functions
Now, DateAdd, DateConvert functions
DateDiff, DatePart functions
DateSerial, DateValMask, DateValue functions
FileDateTime function
IsDate, TimeSerial, TimeValue functions
Error Handling
On Error GoTo statement
On Error Resume Next statement
Err Object statement
Reject function
File/Directory Management
FileAppend, FileCopy functions
FileDateTime, FileDelete functions
FileExists, FileLen, FileList functions
FileRead, FileReadLine, FileRename functions
FileWrite, IsFile functions
ChangeDirectory, GetDirectory functions
IsDirectory, MakeDirectory functions
RemoveDirectory function
InputBox function
LogMessage function
Abs, Exp, Fix, Int functions
Log10, Rnd, Round functions
Sgn, Val, ValMask functions
Dim statement
Sub function
ByVal (ByRef)
+, -, *, /, ^, Mod operators
Integer Division () operators
Negation (-) operator
String concatenation (&) operator
=, <>, <, >, <=, >=, == operators
Not, And, Or operators
Option Explicit, Option Implicit statements
Regular Expressions
GSub, Sub functions
~ operator, !~ operator
Like operator
Asc, Chr, InStr functions
Len, LCase, UCase functions
Left, Mid, Right functions
Space(number) function
StrComp function
String(number, character) function
Trim, LTrim, RTrim functions
Dim, Set, Static statements
Private, Dim, ReDim statements
User-defined functions
Option Explicit statement
IsArray, IsDate functions
IsNull function
IsNumeric function
See Also
Last modified date: 12/03/2024