User Guide > Setting Preferences > Setting Appearance Preferences > Setting Color Preferences for EZscript Editor
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Setting Color Preferences for EZscript Editor
You can also choose whether to show line numbers, enable content assist, and the default file extension for EZScript Editor. For details, see Setting General Preferences for EZscript Editor.
You can set the following preferenceS for constants and keywords in the EZscript editor:
Color for constants and keywords
Default file extension
Enable or disable line numbers
Enable or disable Code Assist
Specify the default EZscript Library file extension
To set the color preference for the EZscript Editor:
1. Go to Options > Preferences.
The Preferences dialog is displayed.
2. In the left-pane, expand DataConnect, and then click Appearance > EZscript.
3. Select any of the following options for which you want to change the color:
Single Line Comments
Multi Line Comments
String Constance
Operator Color
4. Click on the color box, select the required color, and click OK.
The Preview section displays the sample text in the selected color.
5. Click Apply and Close to save the changes.
The applied color setting will reflect in the new and all existing EZscript Editor files such as .rifle, .bas, and .ezscript.
Last modified date: 10/22/2024