Building DataFlow Applications Using RushScript : Additional Scripting Features : Writing Messages to Standard Output
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Writing Messages to Standard Output
Two JavaScript functions are provided for writing messages to the standard output of the currently executing process.
Function Name
String: message to output
Writes the provided text to the standard output of the executing process.
String: message to output
Writes the provided text to the standard output of the executing process. A line feed character is appended after the message is written.
The print function does not write a line feed character and so can be used to write multiple messages that will eventually be output to a single line.
The following code snippet provides an example of using the print and println functions.
Example of using print and println
print('hello ');
The above statements will result in the output of a single line of text: "hello world!".
The print functions are invoked during evaluation of a RushScript source file. They are not executed as part of a DataFlow application that is composed and executed within a RushScript program.