Installing DataFlow on KNIME : Configuring DataFlow in KNIME : Enabling Access to Matrix Database Instances
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Enabling Access to Matrix Database Instances
DataFlow in KNIME supports loading data into Matrix databases. You can connect to a Matrix instance using the Matrix Connections preferences.
Configuration for multiple connections are supported. When connections are added to the preferences, they can be used in nodes that provide Matrix connectivity without entering the connection information again.
The Database Reader node can also use connections to read from Matrix. Batch streaming is not enabled by default. To enable batch streaming while reading the data, the property client_fetch_size_suspension = true must be added to the padb.conf file that is usually available at ~/padb/rel/etc/padb.conf location.
After modifying this property, restart the server to apply the changes. When this property is enabled, the batches can be fetched from the database. Otherwise, it may be required to configure the client side when reading from large tables.
For more information about configuring Matrix connections, see Actian Matrix Connections.