Using DataFlow in KNIME : DataFlow Nodes in KNIME : Actian DataFlow Nodes
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Actian DataFlow Nodes
Actian DataFlow provides various nodes in KNIME. The following are the DataFlow nodes available in KNIME.
I/O Nodes
Read Nodes
ARFF Reader
ARFF Reader reads files in the Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF).
Avro Reader
Avro Reader reads files in Apache Avro format.
Database Reader
Database Reader reads from a relational database table, storing the results in a staging dataset.
Delimited Text Reader
Delimited Text Reader parses a delimited text file.
HBase Reader
HBase Reader reads from an Apache HBase table.
Log Reader
Log Reader reads a log file.
MDF Reader
MDF Reader reads MDF files.
ORC File Reader
ORC File Reader reads records from Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) format files.
Parquet File Reader
Parquet File Reader reads records from Parquet format files.
PMML Reader
PMML Reader reads a PMML (Predictive Model Markup Language) model from a file.
Staging Importer
Staging Importer imports a DataFlow staging dataset.
Write Nodes
Actian Vector Writer
Load Actian Vector bulk loads data into an Actian Vector instance.
ARFF Writer
ARFF Writer writes data in Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF).
Avro Writer
Avro Writer writes data in Apache Avro format.
Database Delete
Database Delete deletes a dataset from a relational database table.
Database Update
Database Update updates a relational database table with a dataset.
Database Writer:
Database Writer writes a dataset to a relational database table.
Delimited Text Writer
Delimited Text Writer writes a delimited text file.
HBase Writer
HBase Writer writes data to an Apache HBase table.
Matrix Loader
Load Actian Matrix bulk loads data into an Actian Matrix instance.
Matrix Sink bulk loads data into an Actian Matrix instance in workflows executed from Matrix SQL.
ORC File Writer
ORC File Writer write records in ORC format files.
PMML Writer
PMML Writer writes a PMML model to a file.
Staging Exporter
Staging Exporter exports a DataFlow staging dataset.
Force Staging
Force Staging
Force Staging forces staging of a dataset.
Log Rows
Log Rows logs information about the input data to the console.
Parse Text Fields
Parse Text Fields parses a text field.