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Installing from a Linux Repository
DataFlow can be installed and updated on compatible Linux systems using a repository.
To add the DataFlow repository to your local system
Log into the system as root and run the following commands:
wget -nv http://dataflowrepo.actian.com/latest/yum/actiandataflow.repo -O
If you are upgrading from DataFlow 6.5.0 or prior, run the following command to remove the previous repository and then get the DataFlow repository on the system.
rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/datarushXX.repo
To view the package before installing
After you add the DataFlow repository, run the following command to view the package version to install:
yum list available | grep actian
This will list the DataFlow package that must be installed. For example:
actian-dataflow.x86_64          6.6.0-147_1          actiandataflow
To install DataFlow
After adding the DataFlow repository in the system, you can install DataFlow.
1. To install the latest version, run the following command:
yum install actian-dataflow
If upgrading, then run the following command to upgrade to the latest DataFlow version:
yum upgrade actian-dataflow
If a DataFlow user does not exist on the system already, the installer will create the user along with an associated group. This user is the owner of the DataFlow installation. You can create a password for this user after the installation is completed.
2. Run the following command to create the password:
passwd dataflow
By default, DataFlow is installed in /opt/dataflow.
If you are upgrading an existing DataFlow installation, these steps replace your DataFlow installation with the latest version.
Updating or uninstalling DataFlow using yum archives the cluster configuration database. To import these settings into a new or upgraded installation, export the database from Cluster Manager before updating or uninstalling DataFlow.
3. Add the license key. For the procedure to add the license key, see Applying Licenses.
Last modified date: 01/06/2023