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Accessing HDFS from High Availability NameNode
If a standby NameNode is configured to be used when the active NameNode is not available, then you should update the workflow(s) to use the new active NameNode.
For KNIME, you can add -Dhadoop.conf.dir=<path to set configuration files> in the knime.ini file and restart KNIME. This allows the cluster manager to find the cluster configuration.
To add Actian Delimited Text Reader operator HDFS file reference
1. Find the following property in core-site.xml file:
2. Update the source reference to: hdfs://NamenodeHA/tmp/censusData.csv.
To write files locally using ORC writer node
Hadoop client must be installed on the local system to write files locally using ORC writer. To install:
1. Create the folder C:\hadoop\bin in the system.
2. Copy winutils.exe to this location.
3. Set the HADOOP_HOME environment variable to C:\hadoop.
4. Restart KNIME.
Last modified date: 01/06/2023