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Executing a Graph
Within RushScript source, a call to the dr.execute() method will execute the current graph. This marks the end of composition for the current graph. At this point:
The current graph is compiled. The current settings of the engine configuration are applied during compilation.
The compiled graph is executed.
A new LogicalGraph is created and becomes the current graph.
The default engine configuration settings are restored.
Any exceptions that occur during the execution are issued within the JavaScript context. This usually ends the JavaScript execution.
The execute method can optionally be passed an application name. This name will be applied to the current graph before it is compiled and executed. The application name appears in debugging and profile views, and also within persisted graph statistics. The application name can help distinguish between multiple applications being executed at the same time. See Additional Utitility Methods for a listing of the utility functions that support setting engine configuration properties.
Any engine properties set using functions on the dr variable will take effect when the current graph is executed. Engine configuration properties set after invoking dr.execute() will be applied the next time that dr.execute() is invoked.
It is important to note that there is no performance penalty associated with using RushScript to compose and execute applications. Once a DataFlow application is composed, the execution environment is the same no matter what method was used for composition.
Note:  DataFlow run-time performance is not adversely affected by composing applications using RushScript.
Last modified date: 12/09/2024