Setting Engine Configurations
The engine settings are applied in this order:
1. Settings explicitly modified within RushScript source
2. Settings specified on the command line
3. Default settings
Any engine configuration values set within a RushScript source will override command line settings. If an engine configuration value is not set in the RushScript source or on the command line, the default value will be used.
To specify the use of a cluster for executing the applications created by a RushScript, use the engine configuration setting named
cluster. On the command line, this must be specified using the cluster URL format. See the cluster setting in
Engine Configuration Settings.
The following example shows the proper format for specifying cluster execution. The --engine option indicates that an engine property is to be set. The name of the property is "cluster". The cluster value is specified in URL format using the dr:// scheme. Provide the name of the server where the cluster manager is hosted along with the configured port number.
$ dr --engine cluster=dr://myserver:1099 agg-ratings.js
Last modified date: 12/09/2024