Using dr
Command Line Usage: dr
The DataFlow API is typically used as an embedded component in a larger application. However, there is ample support for running a standalone DataFlow process. The following three methods are supported to execute a DataFlow application from the command line:
• A Java class file with a main method
• A RushScript file that defines an application
• A JSON graph file that defines an application
There are several utilities within the bin folder of the DataFlow Distribution that can be used to execute a DataFlow application or script from the command line. The dr.bat and dr files can be used on Windows and Linux-based systems respectively. Typical usage requires entering names of the files to be executed along with any necessary JVM or DataFlow options. Here is the basic usage:
dr [jvm_option]... [option]... <script_file | json_file | java_class_name>...
When using dr on a Linux based system, quoting the argument values is only required when they include whitespace or certain system specific special characters.
When using dr.bat on Windows, each JVM option must always be fully quoted. For example,
dr.bat "-Dcom.pervasive.datarush.license=C:\Accounts\DFlicense.slc" --engine moduleConfiguration=datarush-hadoop-apache2 DFScript.js
Note: When using Powershell on Windows, the quoted arguments require additional single quotes to prevent Powershell from automatically removing the quotes. For example,
dr.bat '"-Dcom.pervasive.datarush.license=C:\Accounts\DFlicense.slc"' --engine moduleConfiguration=datarush-hadoop-apache2 DFScript.js
Last modified date: 12/09/2024