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Environment Variables
The following environment variables affect iimgmtsvr and Director.
Specifies whether backup log files are compressed after they are rotated into backup status.
The current active log file is in uncompressed plain text format. When a log file is rotated into backup status, if compression is active, the file will be compressed and the file name appended with “.gz”; the plain text version is then deleted. This means that there must be sufficient free disk space in the log file directory at that moment for both the compressed and uncompressed files.
The gzip compression technique is used; the compressed files are compatible with any other compression utilities that support gzip or gunzip.
Available values are: TRUE, FALSE, YES, NO, ON, OFF, 0, 1.
Default: FALSE (files are not compressed when rotated into backup)
For more information, see Log File Compression.
Lets you change the character set used in the Director log file to any valid character set name. Supported character sets are listed in vwload Supported Character Sets
Default: UTF-8
For more information, see II_MGMTSVR_LOG_CHARSET and Supported Java Character Sets.
Specifies the directory where the director.log file is stored.
Typically this log file is created in the directory where director.exe is executed. You may change the location prior to running Director by setting this variable in the environment to a valid, existing directory. (If the directory does not already exist, it will not be created.)
Default: current directory
The default setting for the log directory for Director is the current directory, where the executable resides. Usually, this is not the ideal location for Director on Windows because it is installed in a directory that is write-accessible only to the Administrator user. To do logging for Director on Windows, the DIRECTOR_LOG_DIR value must be set to something like the %TEMP% directory. The value should be a fully qualified path to a directory.
> set DIRECTOR_LOG_DIR=c:\temp
$ export DIRECTOR_LOG_DIR=/tmp
Specifies the template for log file names. Default is director.log. The value can be any file name (without a path).
The easiest way to enable log file rotation is to insert the token “{DATE}” anywhere within the value of this setting, such as:
The presence of the {DATE} token enables daily log file rotation without making any other changes to settings. When a new log file is created, the token is replace with the current date in the format YYYY-MM-DD—numbers for year, month, date. Example:
For more information, see director.log and Implementing Daily Rolling Log Files.
Specifies the time-based interval at which the log files are rotated. Available values are: NONE, DAILY, WEEKLY, or MONTHLY.
This value should be set with the logging level desired. If ERROR or FATAL is set, then the log files probably will not grow quickly; WEEKLY or MONTHLY may be sufficient. For the INFO level, DAILY (or setting a size limit) should suffice. DEBUG level may necessitate DAILY as well as a suitable size limit (for example, 5–10 MB). Your results may vary, so monitor the situation and adjust the settings accordingly.
Specifies how many backup log files are kept. It does not matter whether the files were rotated because of time or size, this maximum number of files is kept before any files are deleted. You may specify any non-negative numeric value. If set to 0 (zero), all backup files are kept, and we recommend that you use another manual process or automatic script to remove unwanted backups.
Default: 10
Specifies the size-based value that, when reached, log files should be rotated. This value can be any non-negative numeric value. The value can also be specified in one of the following the formats:
nnK – kilobytes (nn x 1024)
nnM – megabytes (nn x 1,048,576)
nnG – gigabtyles (nn x 1,073,741,824)
For example, to set a maximum size of 10 MB for the log file before it is rotated, you could specify:
If both time- and size-based values are specified (such as INTERVAL=DAILY and MAX_SIZE=10M, both criteria are evaluated, and the log file is rotated if either criterion is met. This means multiple backup log files could be rotated for the same date because their size exceeded the MAX_SIZE limit in addition to rolling over because of the new day.
Limit: 4,294,967,296 (232)
Default: 0 (rotation based on size is disabled)
For more information, see Log File Limiting.
Specifies whether log files are rotated and archived automatically. Available values are: TRUE, FALSE, YES, NO, ON, OFF, 0, 1.
Default: FALSE
If set to enable log file rotation and no other criteria are set, the daily log file interval is set by default; no other setting needs to be changed to enable daily log rotation.
For more information, see Log File Rotation.
Specifies the level of detail output to the director.log file during operation of Director.
Caution: This environment variable should be set only at the direction of Actian Support. It must be set prior to running Director.
Valid values include a text setting or its corresponding numeric value:
DEBUG – 5 (most information; useful if Actian Support needs information)
INFO – 4 (informational; related to program flow execution)
WARN – 3 (warning situations logged)
ERROR – 2 (only code errors are logged; default for management server)
FATAL – 1 (only fatal errors are listed; default for Director logs)
OFF – 0 (least information; logging is disabled)
Examples in the environment:
Enables advanced debugging of the iimgmtsvr (see Advanced Debugging).
Caution: This environment variable should be used only at the direction of Actian Support. This variable must be set in the environment prior to starting iimgmtsvr. It can also be set in the Ingres symbol table.
Its value consists of two parts, separated by comma:
Specifies the logging level. Valid values include:
TIMER (only timing information, where it is enabled in the product)
EMERGENCY (least information)
TRACE (most information)
OFF (no information)
For more information about these values, see Advanced Debugging.
Specifies any valid path and file name where the logging information will be output
Examples in the environment:
> set II_JNI_LOGGING=TRACE,b:\jni_xx.log
$ export II_JNI_LOGGING=TRACE,/tmp/jni_xx.log
Examples in the symbol.tbl file:
> ingsetenv II_JNI_LOGGING TRACE,b:\jni_xx.log
$ ingsetenv II_JNI_LOGGING TRACE,/tmp/jni_xx.log
Specifies whether all client/server communications between the Director client and the Remote Manager Server should be AES-encrypted.
Default: true (enabled)
If AES encryption is enabled, RSA is used to securely transmit the AES symmetric encryption key, but all other communications in both directions is encrypted using AES.
If AES encryption is disabled (set to false), RSA is still used to encrypt user credentials.
For more information, see Client/Server Communications Security.
Lets you change the character set used in the management server log file to any valid character set name. Supported character sets are listed in vwload Supported Character Sets
Default: UTF-8
For more information, see DIRECTOR_LOG_CHARSET and Supported Java Character Sets.
Specifies whether backup log files are compressed after they are rotated into backup status.
The current active log file is in uncompressed plain text format. When a log file is rotated into backup status, if compression is active, the file will be compressed and the file name appended with “.gz”; the plain text version is then deleted. This means that there must be sufficient free disk space in the log file directory at that moment for both the compressed and uncompressed files.
The gzip compression technique is used; the compressed files are compatible with any other compression utilities that support gzip or gunzip.
Available values are: TRUE, FALSE, YES, NO, ON, OFF, 0, 1.
Default: FALSE (files are not compressed when rotated into backup)
For more information, see Log File Compression.
The setting for iisetres is log_compress or errlog_compress.
Specifies whether all logging done is sent to the console as well as to the log file, if one is set up. Available values are: TRUE, FALSE, YES, NO, ON, OFF, 0, 1.
Default: FALSE
The setting for iisetres is log_console or errlog_console.
Specifies the template for log file names. Default is director.log. The value can be any file name (without a path).
The easiest way to enable log file rotation is to insert the token “{DATE}” anywhere within the value of this setting, such as:
The presence of the {DATE} token enables daily log file rotation without making any other changes to settings. When a new log file is created, the token is replace with the current date in the format YYYY-MM-DD—numbers for year, month, date. Example:
For more information, see director.log and Implementing Daily Rolling Log Files.
The setting for iisetres is log_file or errlog_file.
Specifies the time-based interval at which the log files are rotated. Available values are: NONE, DAILY, WEEKLY, or MONTHLY.
This value should be set with the logging level desired. If ERROR or FATAL is set, then the log files probably will not grow quickly; WEEKLY or MONTHLY may be sufficient. For the INFO level, DAILY (or setting a size limit) should suffice. DEBUG level may necessitate DAILY as well as a suitable size limit (for example, 5–10 MB). Your results may vary, so monitor the situation and adjust the settings accordingly.
The setting for iisetres is log_interval or errlog_interval.
Specifies how many backup log files are kept. It does not matter whether the files were rotated because of time or size, this maximum number of files is kept before any files are deleted. You may specify any non-negative numeric value. If set to 0 (zero), all backup files are kept, and we recommend that you use another manual process or automatic script to remove unwanted backups.
Default: 10
The setting for iisetres is log_keep or errlog_keep.
Specifies the size-based value that, when reached, log files should be rotated. This value can be any non-negative numeric value. The value can also be specified in one of the following the formats:
nnK – kilobytes (nn x 1024)
nnM – megabytes (nn x 1,048,576)
nnG – gigabtyles (nn x 1,073,741,824)
For example, to set a maximum size of 10 MB for the log file before it is rotated, you could specify:
If both time- and size-based values are specified (such as INTERVAL=DAILY and MAX_SIZE=10M, both criteria are evaluated, and the log file is rotated if either criterion is met. This means multiple backup log files could be rotated for the same date because their size exceeded the MAX_SIZE limit in addition to rolling over because of the new day.
Limit: 4,294,967,296 (232)
Default: 0 (rotation based on size is disabled)
For more information, see Log File Limiting.
The setting for iisetres is log_max_size or errlog_max_size.
Specifies whether log files are rotated and archived automatically. Available values are: TRUE, FALSE, YES, NO, ON, OFF, 0, 1.
Default: FALSE
If set to enable log file rotation and no other criteria are set, the daily log file interval is set by default; no other setting needs to be changed to enable daily log rotation.
For more information, see Log File Rotation.
The setting for iisetres is log_rotate or errlog_rotate.
Specifies the level of detail for output to the iimgmtsvr.log file, which is always created in the II_LOG directory (if II_LOG is set), the II_CONFIG directory (if II_CONFIG is set), or the II_SYSTEM/ingres/files directory.
Valid values are the same as for DIRECTOR_LOGGING_LEVEL.
The setting for iisetres is logging_level or errlog_level.
Specifies a fixed TCP/IP port number for iimgmtsvr to respond to remote management requests. The port used for discovery requests is fixed at 16902 because there is always only one server that responds at this address. But each database installation running iimgmtsvr needs a unique port to respond for its remote management responsibilities.
Typically the system picks the port at random and reports it using the iimgmtsvr list command. However, if there are firewall issues or you want a fixed port, it is possible to set the port value either in the environment or the Ingres symbol.tbl file. This is analogous to setting the port value for GCC or the DAS server. We recommend using the value XX9, where XX is the instance code.
Valid values include one of the following:
A numeric value greater than 1024 and less than 65535
A port value that consists of the instance code and a number between 0 and 15, inclusive.
This value must not be the same as that set for a Comm server or DAS server.
If the firewall is running, the remote management ports must be opened on both the server side and the client side. Port 16902 and whichever command port (such as 44223 for VW15) must be opened in the firewall. On Linux, you can do this using the iptables command:
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 16902 --syn -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 44223 --syn -j ACCEPT
service iptables save
Examples in the environment:
where XY is the installation ID of your Actian database installation.
Examples in the symbol.tbl file:
> ingsetenv II_MGMTSVR_CMD_PORT VW15
This value also may be set in the config.dat file as follows:
> iisetres ii.hostname.mgmt_server.tcp_ip.port 44223
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections from Director to the management server. This variable can be set in the local environment when iimgmtsvr is started, or set using ingsetenv.
Default: 100
Specifies whether you can use a Web browser to list Actian database installations that are running on a machine. The ability to respond to HTTP requests is enabled by default (if this variable is not set), although you may disable it. Valid values are:
0, NO, or FALSE – disable HTTP access
1, YES, or TRUE – enable HTTP access
If you change the variable's value, you must restart iimgmtsvr for the change to take effect. If you are running more than one instance of the management server, see How You Can List Installations Using a Web Browser for instructions.
For more information and examples, see How You Can List Installations Using a Web Browser.
Enables advanced debugging of the iimgmtsvr (see Advanced Debugging).
Caution: This environment variable should be used only at the direction of Actian Support. This variable must be set in the environment prior to starting iimgmtsvr.
Its value consists of two parts, separated by comma:
Specifies the logging level. Valid values include:
1 (least information)
5 (most information)
For more information about these values, see Advanced Debugging.
Specifies any valid path and file name where the logging information will be output
Examples in the environment:
> set II_TOOLS_LOGGING=5,b:\tools_xx.log
$ export II_TOOLS_LOGGING=5,/tmp/tools_xx.log
Examples in the symbol.tbl file:
> ingsetenv II_TOOLS_LOGGING 5,c:\temp\tools_xx.log
$ ingsetenv II_TOOLS_LOGGING 5,/tmp/tools_xx.log
Last modified date: 04/24/2023