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Port Configuration
The iimgmtsvr for each installation also listens for remote management commands on another port, which you can choose randomly or set manually in any of the following places:
Environment Variable
Symbol table
This secondary port value may be an actual number or one of the Ingres symbolic values (typically the installation ID followed by a number from 0–15). If you use a symbolic value, it must be unique among the DBMS, GCC, and GCD servers; we recommend using II9 or above, where II is the installation ID for the instance.
Setting this value using one of these methods is only necessary if a specific port must be opened for a network firewall. The default installation (for Windows) will set a firewall exception for the iimgmtsvr.exe, which will enable it to use any random port—the default operation.
Last modified date: 06/06/2024