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iimgmtsvr Command--Start the iimgmtsvr Process
iimgmtsvr can be started and operated from your database Administrator command prompt. This command has the following syntax:
iimgmtsvr [start] [Java_options]
iimgmtsvr stop | kill | help
iimgmtsvr list {host}* [-verbose]
iimgmtsvr version [-verbose]
iimgmtsvr isrunning {host}*
iimgmtsvr isremoterunning
Running iimgmtsvr with no arguments starts the process as a server, which continues to run until terminated explicitly.
All commands can be issued also with a “-” or a “--” prefix, for example:
iimgmtsvr -version
iimgmtsvr --version
The command takes the following optional arguments:
iimgmtsvr start
Starts a new instance of the program in server mode, running in the background
iimgmtsvr Java_options
Specifies any options beginning with -X that are applicable to the “Java” command. Typical uses are to increase or decrease the amount of Java memory space using the -Xmxnnnn option.
For example, Java options can be passed to the bare iimgmtsvr command using the typical notation (such as -Xmx1024M), whereas Java options passed using the start command must be prefixed with “-Java:” or “-J:” as in -Java:Xmx1024M.
For more information, see the Java documentation (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/documentation/index.html), or the appropriate documentation for your Java version.
iimgmtsvr stop
Signals the current discovery server to stop soon.
iimgmtsvr kill
Signals the current discovery server to stop now (which also forcibly disconnects any connected clients). Use only as a last resort.
iimgmtsvr help
Prints out usage information for the iimgmtsvr command.
iimgmtsvr list [-verbose]
iimgmtsvr list {host}* [-verbose]
Lists the database installations on the local machine that have registered themselves. Specifying one or more remote host names lists the installations registered on each. Including the -verbose option prints more information about each installation.
For more information about listing database instances installed on a machine using a Web browser, see How You Can List Installations Using a Web Browser.
iimgmtsvr isrunning {host}*
Displays whether there is a discovery server running locally and the process id (if known) of the primary discovery server. Specifying one or more host names displays whether there is a discovery server running on each of the specified machines.
iimgmtsvr isremoterunning
Displays whether the iimgmtsvr is running as a remote management server for the current installation
iimgmtsvr version [-verbose]
Displays the version of the Remote API Server available in the current installation. Including the -verbose option prints more information about the server.
Last modified date: 06/06/2024