iimgmtsvr Command--Start the iimgmtsvr Process
iimgmtsvr can be started and operated from your database Administrator command prompt. This command has the following syntax:
iimgmtsvr [start] [Java_options]
iimgmtsvr stop | kill | help
iimgmtsvr list {host}* [-verbose]
iimgmtsvr version [-verbose]
iimgmtsvr isrunning {host}*
iimgmtsvr isremoterunning
Running iimgmtsvr with no arguments starts the process as a server, which continues to run until terminated explicitly.
All commands can be issued also with a “-” or a “--” prefix, for example:
iimgmtsvr -version
iimgmtsvr --version
The command takes the following optional arguments:
iimgmtsvr start
Starts a new instance of the program in server mode, running in the background
iimgmtsvr Java_options
Specifies any options beginning with -X that are applicable to the “Java” command. Typical uses are to increase or decrease the amount of Java memory space using the -Xmxnnnn option.
For example, Java options can be passed to the bare iimgmtsvr command using the typical notation (such as -Xmx1024M), whereas Java options passed using the start command must be prefixed with “-Java:” or “-J:” as in -Java:Xmx1024M.
iimgmtsvr stop
Signals the current discovery server to stop soon.
iimgmtsvr kill
Signals the current discovery server to stop now (which also forcibly disconnects any connected clients). Use only as a last resort.
iimgmtsvr help
Prints out usage information for the iimgmtsvr command.
iimgmtsvr list [-verbose]
iimgmtsvr list {host}* [-verbose]
Lists the database installations on the local machine that have registered themselves. Specifying one or more remote host names lists the installations registered on each. Including the -verbose option prints more information about each installation.
iimgmtsvr isrunning {host}*
Displays whether there is a discovery server running locally and the process id (if known) of the primary discovery server. Specifying one or more host names displays whether there is a discovery server running on each of the specified machines.
iimgmtsvr isremoterunning
Displays whether the iimgmtsvr is running as a remote management server for the current installation
iimgmtsvr version [-verbose]
Displays the version of the Remote API Server available in the current installation. Including the -verbose option prints more information about the server.
Last modified date: 06/06/2024