Display Database Information Dialog
The Display Database Information dialog lets you display information about a database, including its status, the location of its files, and a history of checkpoints and journaling.
For Ingres installations, it runs the infodb utility. For Actian Vector installations, it can also run the iivwinfo utility. For more information, see the Ingres Command Reference Guide and the Actian Vector User Guide.
The General page lets you set basic options for displaying information. The following options are available:
Database Name
Indicates the name of the selected database
Ingres Database Information Options
These options are available only for Ingres databases.
Display Ingres database information
Specifies whether database information should be displayed for an Ingres database. This check box is available only for Actian Vector installations.
Display additional backup information
Specifies that the objects included in a specific checkpoint be listed. Options include:
Last Backup
Specifies the most recent completed checkpoint
Specify Backup
Lets you select a specific checkpoint to include. Click the browse button (...) to open the Select Backup dialog, where you can choose the backup to include. If no backups have been made, a message is displayed.
Actian Vector Database Options
These options are available only for Actian Vector databases.
Display Actian Vector database information
Specifies whether database information should be displayed for an Actian Vector database. This check box is available only for Actian Vector installations.
Display general statistics
Displays general database statistics for the Actian Vector database. For more information, see “View Information about a Database” in the Actian Vector User Guide.
Display active configuration
Displays user-configurable options and internal system configuration
Display per-table block use
Displays disk block count per table
Display per-column block use
Displays disk block count per column
Display open transactions
Displays session information, transaction and update memory usage, and any transactions with uncommitted changes
Display per-table pdt use
Displays Positional Delta Tree information for the table, including memory usage and modified, inserted, or deleted tuples
Limit information to a given table
Lets you specify a particular table to display information about. Click the Table button to select a table from the Select a Table dialog.
Output Log Page Options
The Output Log page displays the output of the process based on the options you have selected on the General page.
Last modified date: 06/06/2024