Find or Replace Text in a Query
You can search for text in an open query document and optionally replace individual occurrences or all occurrences. You display the Find/Replace toolbar on the query toolbar. Follow the appropriate procedure to use the Find/Replace features.
To show or hide the Find/Replace toolbar
2. On the query document toolbar, click the Show Find/Replace options icon.
The Find/Replace toolbar appears beneath the query document toolbar.
3. To hide the Find/Replace toolbar, click the Cancel icon (red X) on the Find/Replace toolbar or press Escape when the focus is on the toolbar.
To search for and replace text in an open query document
1. Show the Find/Replace toolbar (see previous procedure).
2. Type the text you want to search for in the Find field.
3. (Optional) Select the Replace checkbox and specify the text you want to replace in the Replace field.
4. Execute the specified operation one of the following ways:
• Press Enter to find (and replace, if specified) the first occurrence of the search text.
• Click Find/Replace next to find (and replace, if specified) the next occurrence of the search text.
• Click All to replace all occurrences of the search text with the replacement text.
• Click Find/Replace previous to find (and replace, if specified) the previous occurrence of the search text (searches backwards).
Operational options:
• Pressing the Tab key jumps the focus from field to field on the toolbar.
• Pressing Ctrl+F switches focus between the toolbar and the query document.
• Clicking Find Next at the end of a document wraps to the beginning of the document.
• Clicking Find Previous at the beginning of a document wraps to the end of the document.
• Clearing the Replace checkbox reverts to Find-only mode.
Last modified date: 06/06/2024