Object Naming Rules
The rules for naming database objects (such as tables, columns, views, and database procedures) are as follows:
• Names may contain alphanumeric and special characters but must begin with an alphabetic character or an underscore (_). Database names must begin with an alphabetic character and cannot begin with an underscore.
• Case significance (upper or lower) is determined by the settings for the database in which the object is created (Ingres or ANSI/ISO Entry SQL-92-compliant) and differs for delimited and non-delimited identifiers.
• Names can contain (but cannot begin with) the following special characters: 0 through 9, #, @, $, and _. Names specified as delimited identifiers (in double quotes) can contain additional special characters.
• Database objects (such as tables, columns, views, and database procedures) cannot begin with the letters ii. Names like this are reserved for use by the DBMS Server.
For more information about object naming rules, see the Ingres SQL Reference Guide.
Last modified date: 06/06/2024