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Restore a Database
Before you can restore a database, the installation containing the database must be connected in the Instance Explorer (see Connect to an Actian Database Instance). The database must have been backed up before you can restore it.
You can restore a backed up system or user database the following ways:
From the context menu of a Database node: DBA Utilities, Restore
On the main menu ribbon when a Database node is selected in the Instance Explorer: Database, Database, Restore (see Database Tab)
For more information about restoring, see the rollforwarddb command in the Ingres Command Reference Guide.
To restore a selected database
1. Initiate the Restore command in one of the ways explained previously.
The Restore Database dialog opens (see Restore Database Dialog).
2. On the General page, specify whether you want to recover from checkpoint files.
3. If you chose to recover from checkpoint files, specify whether you want to use the current (latest) backup or a previous backup. To select a previous backup, click Backup Set.
4. Specify whether the database should be recovered with the journal.
5. Specify the tables to include in the recovery. To select specific tables, click the Tables button.
6. If you specified particular tables, choose whether to inhibit automatic recovery of secondary indexes and to continue processing journal records if an error occurs.
7. Choose whether you want the recovery reported verbosely.
8. Click the Options link to display the Options page.
9. Specify any recovery options and local cache sizes. For more information, see “Options Page” in Restore Database Dialog.
10. Click OK to start the recovery.
The Progress indicator displays a spinner while the restoration is being performed.
When the restoration completes, output is displayed in the dialog’s Output Log page. A successful restoration is indicated by the final line of output:
date/time Rollforward completed successfully.
11. Click Close.
Last modified date: 06/06/2024