User Guide > User Guide > Using Queries > Recording Queries > Start Recording Queries Dialog
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Start Recording Queries Dialog
The Start Recording Queries dialog lets you specify a file in which to record the generated SQL. It contains the following fields:
File Name
Specifies a file name in which to store the recorded SQL. Click the browse button to select a location for the file.
If checked, specifies that the SQL recorded should be appended to the existing file named in the File Name field. If cleared, Director will create a new file or overwrite an existing file of the same name.
Make compatible with TM and NETUTIL
Produces a recorded script that you can use with the command line tools Terminal Monitor (sql) and netutil -file.
Which Queries
Lets you choose which kind of queries to record:
Modifying queries
Records statements such as DROP and INSERT (everything except SELECT statements)
Select queries only
Records only SELECT statements and SHOW statements for Name Servers
All queries
Records both kinds of statements
Record Start, Stop and DBA Utilities?
Allows recording of the command line utilities that are invoked by these operations for later playback. Scripts with such commands can be played back only by Director and not by other tools.
For conceptual information about recording queries, see Recording Queries.
To start recording queries, see Start or Stop Recording Queries.
Last modified date: 06/06/2024