Oracle Server Statements
The DIRECT EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement allows you to use the Oracle statements shown in the following list with the gateway.
Note: This list is not exhaustive. Other statements may also work.
Statement Restrictions — Oracle
The following restrictions are imposed on which statements may be issued using DIRECT EXECUTE IMMEDIATE:
• When specifying numeric literals in DIRECT EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, always use a period (“.”) as the decimal point. Doing so is necessary because the gateway internally sets the NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS and always uses “.” as the decimal point when data is passed to and from the database.
• Any command that is specific to an Oracle tool, that is, not a DBMS statement, is not supported with a DIRECT EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement. For example, the SQL*Plus describe command is not supported.
Note: You must execute all Oracle utilities directly on the host operating system because they are not available through the gateway.