Administrator Guide > Administrator Guide > Gateway Catalog Setup > Special Considerations for ODBC Data Sources
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Special Considerations for ODBC Data Sources
The iigwcatodb utility must be used for each ODBC host database to be accessed using Enterprise Access for ODBC.
An example of the ODBC data source catalog utility follows.
EA ODBC 11.1.0 (, ODBC Catalog Program
Copyright (c) 2020 Actian Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
iigwcatodb connectString [-d]
Where connectString can be just a DSN or a connect string.
"Driver={Pervasive ODBC Unicode Interface};DBQ=demodata"
"Driver={SQLite3 ODBC Driver};Database=C:\temp\demodb.sqlite"
"Driver={MariaDB ODBC 3.0 Driver};database=demodb;user=ingres;password=pass"
"Driver={MySQL ODBC 8.0 ANSI Driver};database=demodb;user=ingres;password=pass"
"Driver={MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver};database=demodb;user=ingres;password=pass"
"Driver={MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver};server=SERVERNAME;port=3306;database=demodb;user=ingres;password=pass"
"Driver={PostgreSQL ANSI};database=demodb;user=ingres;password=pass"
"Driver={PostgreSQL Unicode};database=demodb;user=ingres;password=pass"
"Driver={PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)};database=demodb;user=ingres;password=pass"
-d Delete system catalogs
Examples of the catalog utility execution against various ODBC data sources follows:
1. Use of a DSN defined to the ODBC Data Administrator requires no enclosure.
2. Use of a connection string requires the use of enclosing double quotes.
3. Data types SQL_VARBINARY and SQL_LONGVARBINARY are not currently supported by Enterprise Access for ODBC. Warning message(s) "unsupported data type" are considered normal for this release level for Enterprise Access for ODBC.
Actian Zen
C:\Users\ingres>iigwcatodb dsn=zen_easerver1
EA ODBC 11.1.0 (, ODBC Catalog Program
Copyright (c) 2020 Actian Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
using dsn=zen_easerver1
Checking for metadata on existing objects
Populating iitables with metadata for existing objects
C:\Users\ingres>iigwcatodb "Driver={Pervasive ODBC Unicode Interface};Servername=usau-easerver1;Port=1583;DBQ=zendemodb"
EA ODBC 11.1.0 (, ODBC Catalog Program
Copyright (c) 2020 Actian Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
using Driver={Pervasive ODBC Unicode Interface};Servername=usau-easerver1;Port=1583;DBQ=zendemodb
Checking for metadata on existing objects
Populating iitables with metadata for existing objects
C:\Users\ingres>iigwcatodb dsn=maria10_demodb
EA ODBC 11.1.0 (, ODBC Catalog Program
Copyright (c) 2020 Actian Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
using dsn=maria10_demodb
Checking for metadata on existing objects
Populating iitables with metadata for existing objects
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_VARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_VARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_VARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_LONGVARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_LONGVARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_LONGVARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_LONGVARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_LONGVARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_LONGVARBINARY'
C:\Users\ingres>iigwcatodb "DRIVER={MariaDB ODBC 3.1 Driver};TCPIP=1;SERVER=localhost;UID=ingres;PWD=thisisit;DATABASE=maria10_demodb;PORT=3306"
EA ODBC 11.1.0 (, ODBC Catalog Program
Copyright (c) 2020 Actian Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
using DRIVER={MariaDB ODBC 3.1 Driver};TCPIP=1;SERVER=localhost;UID=ingres;PWD=thisisit;DATABASE=maria10_demodb;PORT=3306
Checking for metadata on existing objects
Populating iitables with metadata for existing objects
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_VARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_VARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_VARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_LONGVARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_LONGVARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_LONGVARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_LONGVARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_LONGVARBINARY'
WARNING:__main__:**WARNING** - unsupported data type: 'SQL_LONGVARBINARY'
C:\Users\ingres>iigwcatodb dsn=mysql80_demodb
EA ODBC 11.1.0 (, ODBC Catalog Program
Copyright (c) 2020 Actian Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
using dsn=mysql80_demodb
Checking for metadata on existing objects
Populating iitables with metadata for existing objects
C:\Users\ingres>iigwcatodb "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver};TCPIP=1;SERVER=localhost;UID=ingres;PWD=thisisit;DATABASE=mysql80_demodb;PORT=4306"
EA ODBC 11.1.0 (, ODBC Catalog Program
Copyright (c) 2020 Actian Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
using DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver};TCPIP=1;SERVER=localhost;UID=ingres;PWD=thisisit;DATABASE=mysql80_demodb;PORT=4306
Checking for metadata on existing objects
Populating iitables with metadata for existing objects
C:\Users\ingres>iigwcatodb dsn=psql12_demodb
EA ODBC 11.1.0 (, ODBC Catalog Program
Copyright (c) 2020 Actian Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
using dsn=psql12_demodb
Checking for metadata on existing objects
Populating iitables with metadata for existing objects
C:\Users\ingres>iigwcatodb "DRIVER={PostgreSQL ANSI(x64)};TCPIP=1;SERVER=localhost;UID=ingres;PWD=thisisit;DATABASE=psql12_demodb;PORT=5432"
EA ODBC 11.1.0 (, ODBC Catalog Program
Copyright (c) 2020 Actian Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
using DRIVER={PostgreSQL ANSI(x64)};TCPIP=1;SERVER=localhost;UID=ingres;PWD=thisisit;DATABASE=psql12_demodb;PORT=5432
Checking for metadata on existing objects
Populating iitables with metadata for existing objects
C:\Users\ingres>iigwcatodb dsn=SQLite3_eademodb
EA ODBC 11.1.0 (, ODBC Catalog Program
Copyright (c) 2020 Actian Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
using dsn=SQLite3_eademodb
Checking for metadata on existing objects
Populating iitables with metadata for existing objects
C:\Users\ingres>iigwcatodb "DRIVER={SQLite3 ODBC Driver};TCPIP=1;SERVER=localhost;UID=ingres;PWD=thisisit;DATABASE=SQLite3_eademodb"
EA ODBC 11.1.0 (, ODBC Catalog Program
Copyright (c) 2020 Actian Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
using DRIVER={SQLite3 ODBC Driver};TCPIP=1;SERVER=localhost;UID=ingres;PWD=thisisit;DATABASE=SQLite3_eademodb
Checking for metadata on existing objects
Populating iitables with metadata for existing objects
Last modified date: 02/16/2024