Check the Enterprise Access Server on Windows
The Enterprise Access server process is iigwxxxd, where xxx is mss, ora, or udb. It is an indication that the Enterprise Access server did not start if any of the following occurs:
• The %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\files\errlog.log file has a notation regarding the failure of the Enterprise Access server starting.
Note: The errlog.log is usually located in %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\files\errlog.log (unless II_LOG is set to a different location). If patch 15246 is installed, changes to ingat.bat deprecated the INGSTART -service flag, which now always starts Ingres as a Windows servcie, and the log is written to %II_LOG%. If Enterprise Access is installed as a stand-alone installation (rather than being installed into an existing Ingres location), II_LOG defaults to C:\Users\installeruserid\AppData\Local\OpenROAD\Logfiles\EA.
• The utility iinamu does not display a process name when you enter the command show server_class at the IINAMU> prompt where server_class is either mssql, oracle, or db2udb.
To check the Enterprise Access server
1. Examine the %II_CONFIG%\errlog.log file for any information regarding Enterprise Access server startup.
2. Try starting a server manually, using the ingstart -server_class command.
3. If the Enterprise Access server continues to fail to start, contact Technical Support.