Administrator Guide : 3. Gateway Alias Configuration : Alias Parameters : Host Dbname Parameter Table
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Host Dbname Parameter Table
The host dbname is the native DBMS name used to access the target DBMS. The syntax and meaning are specific for each DBMS. See the documentation for your target DBMS for additional information on database names. The following table lists the types of host dbname for each gateway:
Microsoft SQL
Specifies the ODBC System DSN or File DSN name that specifies access to Microsoft SQL Server. The ODBC entry contains the information needed to access a local or remote Microsoft SQL Server installation.
Be sure to specify an explicit login database name. If the Use Trusted Connection permission is selected, all users accessing this database are given the Database Owner (DBO) role.
Specifies the Oracle database name (SID) used to access a local database.
Specifies the remote Oracle tnsname used to access a remote database using Oracle Net Services. The value dbserver is an entry in the tnsnames.ora file. The dbserver entry must contain SID information.
Specifies the Oracle database name used to access a remote database using Oracle SQL*Net. The value dbserver is an entry in the tnsnames.ora file. The hostdb value may be ignored under these circumstances since there may be an explicit Oracle SID specified in the tsnames.ora entry.
Specifies the DB2CLI Data Source Name (DSN) used to access DB2 UDB. The DB2CLI DSN contains the infor-mation needed to access a local or remote DB2 UDB installation.