alter table | drop procedure |
alter tablespace | drop synonym |
comment on | drop tablespace |
create database | explain |
create global temporary table | grant (authorities) |
create procedure | label on |
create synonym | lock table |
create tablespace | revoke |
drop database |
With Clause Option | OpenSQL Statement | Description |
check option | create view | Places restrictions on updating or inserting into a view. See the Ingres OpenSQL Reference Guide for more information. |
db2_ct_option | connect | Allows you to specify one or more DB2-specific parameters to append to all subsequent create table statements in a given connection as shown in the example following this table. |
db2_option | create index create table create view | Allows you to specify DB2-specific parameters. On a create table statement you can specify either with db2_database or with db2_option, but not both. You can issue this statement multiple times to specify multiple parameters. |