Database Events (Oracle)
Note: Only the Oracle gateway supports database events.
The Oracle gateway provides restricted support for database events. To provide this support, the Oracle gateway uses the Oracle DBMS_ALERT PL/SQL supplied package. If you are going to use database events in the Oracle gateway, the Oracle DBMS_ALERT package needs to be installed. For more information about database events, see the Ingres OpenSQL Reference Guide.
Note: In a regular Ingres application, the convention is that an event can be raised n number of times, and the event is received n number of times. In Oracle, the DBMS_ALERT package behaves slightly differently in that events or alerts can be raised more often than they are received; in such cases, the older alerts or dbevents are discarded or lost by the Oracle DBMS. Consult the Oracle documentation for Supplied PL/SQL Packages. This behavior of events is the same as that provided by the OpenROAD 3.5 driver to Oracle.