Developing Portable Applications : 3. Application Considerations : Database Name Case Sensitivity : Determine Database Case
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Determine Database Case
Use the following query to determine the case of a database:
select cap_value
      from iidbcapabilities
where cap_capability = 'DB_NAME_CASE'
This query returns the database name case. If it returns a value of UPPER, database objects are stored in the database in upper case. If it returns a value of LOWER, database objects are stored in the database in lower case. If it returns a value of MIXED, the database objects are stored in the database as they were entered.
The case of a value is usually applicable when one of the following appears in the WHERE clause of a query:
table names
table owner names
column names
column owner names
index names
index owner names
user names
OpenROAD, ODBC, and JDBC automatically build metadata queries, taking into account the database name case.