Release Summary : 1. New and Updated Features : Decimal Precision Increased
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Decimal Precision Increased
Ingres 9.2 increased the maximum allowed decimal precision from 31 to 39. Enterprise Access now permits decimals with precision greater than 31 where possible.
You may now use increased decimal scale up to what the DBMS provides for the following elements:
DDL (data definition language)
Results (for example, select)
Scalar functions or type casts
Bind parameters
Database procedures (input, byref, row-returning)
Decimal precision is stored in SQL_MAX_DECIMAL_PRECISION in iidbcapabilities. For Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server, the value is changed from 31 to 38. For DB2 UDB, the value remains at 31.
For more information, see the following topics in the Developing Portable Applications Guide:
"Decimal Precision"
"How to Determine Maximum Supported Decimal Precision"
"How DB2 UDB Handles Decimal Precision"
"Data Type Mapping"