12. Understanding .NET Data Provider Connectivity : .NET Data Provider Classes : IngresConnection Class : IngresConnection.GetSchema Method
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IngresConnection.GetSchema Method
The IngresConnection.GetSchema method is used to return information on the schema of a database. The collection of metadata returned describes the tables, columns, and so on, that are defined in the database. The schema information is returned in the form of a .NET Framework DataTable.
GetSchema takes zero or more parameters. The first parameter is the collection name (for example: "Tables" or "Columns"). Optional restriction parameters in a String array ("restrictionValues") allow the returned metadata to be filtered to only those rows for a specified value, for example, only those columns for a specific table name. If GetSchema is invoked with no parameters or with a collection name of "MetaDataCollections" then a DataTable is returned that lists the collection names. Each row in the DataTable lists the collection name and number of restrictions supported for that collection.
The following collections are supported: