10. Understanding ODBC Connectivity : ODBC Programming : Scrollable Cursors : SQLSetPos()--Scroll Cursor to Absolute Position
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SQLSetPos()--Scroll Cursor to Absolute Position
SQLSetPos() allows the ODBC application to scroll the cursor to an absolute position within the result set and perform updates or deletes on the selected record.
Note:  The SQLSetPos() function works for keyset-driven (updatable) cursors only.
SQLSetPos() has the following syntax:
SQLSetPos( StatementHandle, RowNumber, Operation, LockType )
Specifies the statement handle
Specifies the position of the record in the result set
Specifies the operation to perform: SQL_POSITION, SQL_UPDATE, or SQL_DELETE.
SQL_REFRESH is not supported.
(Not supported) Specifies the type of table lock. SQLSetPos() ignores all settings for the LockType argument.