10. Understanding ODBC Connectivity : ODBC Programming : ODBC User Authentication : Specification of User Names and Passwords in ODBC
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Specification of User Names and Passwords in ODBC
For remote connections, the specification of user names and passwords overrides the user names or passwords in the vnode definition.
For local connections, the specification of user names and passwords causes the ODBC application to behave as if it was logged in as the alternate user. This behavior is true regardless of whether or not the current login is an Ingres "super" user.
It does not matter if user names and passwords are provided interactively or are hard-coded, except in the case of Kerberos. For Kerberos, if you specify user names and passwords, the ODBC application authenticates against the local installation in addition to the Kerberos authentication. The Kerberos user specified in "kinit" must match the user name specified in SQLConnect() or SQLDriverConnect().
SQLBrowseConnect()--Prompt for Connection Information
SQLBrowseConnect() is another function that can be used to prompt for connection information. SQLBrowseConnect() returns missing connection information in a formatted output string that is used as a guide in the next connection attempt. When SQLBrowseConnect() receives the minimum connection information, a connection is made to the database.