5. Populating Tables : Successful Use of the Copy Statement : Reloading Problems : Too Many Delimiters in the Copy File
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Too Many Delimiters in the Copy File
Be careful not to include too many delimiters in the data file. This mistake frequently occurs when you use the comma as a delimiter and it also appears in the data.
For example, in the first row, the salary value contains a comma:
If you try to copy these records with the following COPY statement, you receive an error message:
COPY TABLE personnel 
    (ssno = CHAR(0), 
    birthdate = CHAR(0),
    name = CHAR(0), 
    salary = CHAR(0), 
    title = CHAR(0))
    FROM 'pers.data';
You receive an error because the COPY statement reads:
“33” as the “salary”
“000.00” as the “title”
“Programmer” as the next “ssno”
It attempts to read “246-80-1357” as the birthdate, which produces the error.
If you specified “title = char(0)nl”, the COPY statement still reads “33” as the salary, but it reads “000.00,Programmer” as the title. This is because it looks for a newline rather than a delimiter at the end of the title. It reads the next row correctly. Although an error message is not generated, the title field for one row is incorrect.