Column Name | Data Type | Description |
applid | integer | Object ID of the ABF application that contains this object. |
object_id | integer | Unique identifier (object ID) for identifying this object in the ii_objects catalog. Other information about this object (such as name, owner, and object class) is stored in the ii_objects catalog. |
abf_source | varchar (180) | Source file name (without path) for objects with source files; source path for the application. |
abf_symbol | varchar(32) | Linker symbol corresponding to object, for objects that are compiled and linked (compiled forms, user frames, procedures). |
retadf_type | smallint | Integer code (ADT type) for return type of objects that have return types (user frames, procedures). Possible values are listed below with NULLable data types being the negative of the listed value: 0 none 3 date 5 money 30 integer 31 floating point 37 text 40 string |
rettype | varchar(32) | A textual description of retadf_type. |
retlength | integer | Length of return type. |
retscale | integer | Scale factor of return type. |
abf_version | smallint | Release number for latest update of object. Contains 0 for release 5. |
abf_flags | integer | 32-bit flag variable; the flags describe the state of the component. |
abf_arg1 | varchar(48) | Object specific (field 1): applications: Contains the executable name. report or QBF frames: Command line flags (if specified). procedures: The host language (descriptive string only, derived from fill extension). constants: The language of the constant (for example, English or French). |
abf_arg2 | varchar(48) | Object specific (field 2). If object is: An application: this field contains its default starting frame. Report-writer: this field contains the output destination (file) QBF frames: this field contains the joindef/table flag. |
abf_arg3 | varchar(48) | Object-specific field 3. For applications: The link option file. |
abf_arg4 | varchar(48) | Object-specific field 4. For applications: specifies the query language (QUEL or SQL). For 3GL or 4GL frame: contains the date of the last unsuccessful compile. |
abf_arg5 | varchar(48) | Object-specific field 5. For applications: Contains the role under which the application runs. For Vision frames: Contains the date and time the form was generated. |
abf_arg6 | varchar(48) | Object-specific field 6. For Vision frames: Contains the date and time the code was generated. |