B. Building Encina Programs on UNIX : How You Build Programs for Encina : Step 2: Register the Resource Manager Instances
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Step 2: Register the Resource Manager Instances
To register your Ingres databases with Encina, use the Encina monadmin utility. At the operating system prompt, issue the following command for each database to which your application requires access:
% monadmin create rm INGRES -open "open_string"
For details about the format of the open string, see Open String Argument - Binding to Database Servers in the chapter “Programming Ingres DPT Applications.” You must register each database to which your application requires access.
Example: monadmin command
% monadmin create rm inventory \
-open "INGRES chicago::inv07a1 as inventory"
% monadmin create rm billing \
-open "INGRES london::bil12c2 as billing"