Concluding Example
The following example demonstrates some simple EQUEL/C declarations:
## define MAX_PERSONS 1000
## typedef struct datatypes_ /* Structureof all types */
## {
## char d_byte;
## short d_word;
## long d_long;
## float d_single;
## double d_double;
## char *d_string;
## } datatypes;
## datatypes d_rec;
## char *dbname = "personnel";
## char *formname, *tablename, *columnname;
## varchar struct {
## short len;
## char binary_data[512];
## } binary_chars;
## enum color {RED, WHITE, BLUE};
## unsigned int empid;
## short int vac_balance;
## struct person_ /* Structure with a union */
## {
## char age;
## long flags;
## union
## {
## char full_name[30];
## struct {
## char firstname[12],
## lastname[18];
## } name_parts;
## } person_name;
## } person, *newperson, person_store[MAX_PERSONS];
## extern int *empform,*deptform; /* Compiled forms */
## globalref int *empform, *deptform; /*Compiled forms*/