5. Embedded QUEL for Ada : Precompiling, Compiling and Linking an EQUEL Program : Include File Processing : Including EQUEL/Ada Source Code
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Including EQUEL/Ada Source Code
In order to include source code into your EQUEL/Ada file, you should issue the EQUEL include statement with the inline option. Its syntax is as follows:
##  include inline filename
where filename has the same rules as mentioned earlier.
With this variant of include, the included text is preprocessed into the parent output file. For example, if you have a file called "messages.qa" that contains the text:
## message buffervar
## sleep 2
and you are preprocessing the file called "retrieve.qa", then the following include statement is legal in "retrieve.qa":
## retrieve (buffervar = e.name)
## include inline "messages.qa";
The file "messages.qa" is preprocessed into the output file "retrieve.ada." For more information on the inline option see the QUEL Reference Guide.