Installing the EQUEL/Pascal Environment File
As explained in
The Inherit Attribute, EQUEL/Pascal programs can inherit the EQUEL/Pascal declarations from an environment file, as an alternative to the
declare statement. If the program specifies this alternative, the preprocessor will generate an "Inherit" attribute referencing this environment file. The file is named "eqenv.pen" and is located in the Ingres files directory, which, by default, is "ii_system:[ingres.files]".
Before using the environment file, you should ensure that your System Administrator has installed it, using the following sequence of operating system commands:
$ set def ii_system:[ingres.files]
$ eqp eqenv
$ Pascal eqenv
$ delete eqenv.pas;*, eqenv.obj;*
Note: Check the Readme file for any operating system specific information on compiling and linking EQUEL/Pascal programs.