5. Embedded QUEL for Ada : Precompiling, Compiling and Linking an EQUEL Program : Generating an Executable Program : The EQUEL Preprocessor Command
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The EQUEL Preprocessor Command
The Ada preprocessor is invoked by the following command line:
eqa {flags} {filename}
where flags are
Adds debugging information to the runtime database error messages generated by EQUEL. The source file name, line number, and the erroneous statement itself are printed along with the error message.
Writes preprocessor output to the named file. If the -f flag is specified without a filename, the output is sent to standard output, one screen at a time. If the -f flag is omitted, output is given the basename of the input file, suffixed ".ada".
Writes preprocessor error messages to the preprocessor's listing file, as well as to the terminal. The listing file includes preprocessor error messages and your source text in a file named filename.lis, where filename is the name of the input file.
Like -l, but the generated Ada code also appears in the listing file
-n. ext
Specifies the extension used for filenames in ## include and ## include inline statements in the source code. If -n is omitted, include filenames in the source code must be given the extension ".qa".
Reads input from standard input and generates Ada code to standard output. This is useful for testing statements you are not familiar with. If the -l option is specified with this flag, the listing file is called "stdin.lis." To terminate the interactive session, type Ctrl Z.
Prints warning messages
Shows what command line options are available for eqa
The EQUEL/Ada preprocessor assumes that input files are named with the extension ".qa". This default can be overridden by specifying the file extension of the input file(s) on the command line. The output of the preprocessor is a file of generated Ada statements with the same name and the extension ".ada".
If you enter the command without specifying any flags or a filename, Ingres displays a list of flags available for the command.
The following table presents the options available with eqa.