7. Embedded QUEL for Pascal : Precompiling, Compiling, and Linking an EQUEL Program : Coding Requirements for Writing EQUEL Programs : The Pascal Semicolon and EQUEL Statements
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The Pascal Semicolon and EQUEL Statements
With one exception, EQUEL statements embedded in Pascal host code do not require a terminating semicolon. Pascal declarative statements must be separated by a semicolon, as required in the Pascal language.
The exception occurs when an EQUEL statement that allows but does not include the optional with clause is followed immediately by a Pascal with statement. When this occurs, the EQUEL statement must be terminated with a semicolon. For example:
##  {Assume "emprec" has been declared as a 
##   record variable}
##  create employee (name=c30, age=i4); 
##  {Note the semicolon here}
##  with emprec do
##  begin
##  end;
If the EQUEL statement with the optional with clause is followed by another EQUEL statement or by Pascal host code, then the semicolon is optional.