Dynamic SQL Handler
The following is an example of a dynamic SQL handler program. This program fragment shows the declaration and usage of a datahandler in a dynamic SQL program, using the SQLDA. It uses the datahandler Get_Handler and the HDLR_PARAM structure described in the previous example:
with DataHdlrPkg; use DataHdlrPkg;
procedure Dynamic_hdlr
exec sql include sqlca;
exec sql include sqlda;
-- Do not declare the datahandlers nor the datahandler
-- argument to the ESQL preprocessor.
-- Declare argument to be passed to datahandler
hdlr_arg: Hdlr_Rec;
-- Declare SQLDA and IISQLHDLR
data_handler: IISQLHDLR;
col_num: Integer;
base_type: Integer;
-- Declare null indicator to ESQL
exec sql begin declare section;
indvar: Short_Integer;
stmt_buf: String(100);
exec sql end declare section;
-- Set the IISQLHDLR structure with the appropriate
-- datahandler and datahandler argument.
data_handler.sqlhdlr = Get_Handler'Address;
data_handler.sqlarg = hdlr_arg'Address;
-- Describe the statement into the SQLDA.
stmt_buf := "select * from book";
exec sql prepare stmt from :stmt_buf;
exec sql describe stmt into sqlda;
. . .
-- Determine the base_type of the SQLDATA variables.
for col_num in 1..sqlda.sqld loop
if (sqlda.sqlvar(col_num).sqltype > 0) then
base_type := sqlda.sqlvar(col_num).sqltype;
base_type := -sqlda.sqlvar(col_num).sqltype;
end if;
-- Set the sqltype, sqldata and sqlind for each column
-- The long varchar column chapter_text will be set
-- to use a datahandler.
if (base_type = IISQ_LVCH_TYPE) then
sqlda.sqlvar(col_num).sqltype := IISQ_HDLR_TYPE;
sqlda.sqlvar(col_num).sqldata :=
sqlda.sqlvar(col_num).sqlind := indvar'Address'
. . .
end if;
end loop;
-- The Datahandler (Get_Handler) will be invoked for
-- each non-null value of column chapter_text
-- retrieved. For null values the indicator variable
-- will be set to "-1" and the datahandler will not
-- be called.
. . .
exec sql execute immediate :stmt_buf using :sqlda;
exec sql begin;
process row....
exec sql end;
. . .
end Dynamic_hdlr;