Embedded SQL/Ada Declarations Example
The following example demonstrates some simple Embedded SQL/Ada declarations.
package Compiled_Forms is
exec sql begin declare section;
empform, deptform: Integer; -- Compiled forms
exec sql end declare section;
pragma import_object( empform );
pragma import_object( deptform );
end Compiled_Forms;
with Compiled_Forms; use Compiled_Forms;
exec sql include sqlca; -- Include error handling
package Concluding_Example is
exec sql begin declare section;
max_persons: constant := 1000;
dbname: String(1..9):="personnel";
formname, tablename, columnname: String(1..12);
salary: Float;
type datatypes_rec is -- Structure of all types
d_byte: Short_Short_Integer;
d_word: Short_integer;
d_long: Integer;
d_single: Float;
d_double: Long_float;
d_string: String(1..20);
end record;
d_rec: datatypes_rec;
-- Record with a discriminant
record persontype_rec (married: in Boolean) is
age: Short_Short_Integer;
flags: Integer;
case married:
when TRUE =
spouse_name: String(1..30);
when FALSE =
dog_name: String(1..12);
end case;
end record;
person: persontype_rec(TRUE);
person_store: array(1..max_persons) of
exec sql include 'employee.dcl'; -- From dclgen
ind_var: Short_Integer := -1; -- Indicator
-- variable
exec sql end declare section;
end concluding_examples;