5. Accessing the Name Server : Name Server Query Syntax : Create Connection Statements--Create a Connection Data Definition
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Create Connection Statements--Create a Connection Data Definition
This statement creates a connection data definition. If a connection data definition exists that matches the specified one in all respects, the operation will have no effect, and no error will be reported.
This statement has the following syntax:
create connection global|private vnode net_addr protocol port
This statement has the following parameters:
Specifies a global or private object. A global object is available to all users on the local node. A private object is available to a single user.
Specifies the virtual node name to be associated with this connection data definition.
Specifies the address or name of the remote node.
Your network administrator specified this address or name when the network software was installed. Normally, the node name, as defined at the remote node, is sufficient for this parameter.
The format of a net address depends on the type of network software that the node is using.
Specifies the Ingres keyword for the protocol used to connect to the remote node. Its value can be one of the following:
Specifies the unique identifier used by the remote Communications Server for interprocess communication.
The format of a listen address depends on the network protocol.