6. Creating an Application with OpenAPI : Sample Code : How the Asynchronous Sample Code Works : How You Can Run the Demo Program
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How You Can Run the Demo Program
You can run the demo program in a variety of configurations: client-only, server‑only, and client and server. You can run multiple instances of the demo program simultaneously. Each server instance receives and displays events raised by each client instance.
You run the demo program with the following command line syntax:
apiademo [-s] [-c] [-t] [-i] db [n]
This command uses the following parameters:
Runs the server execution unit.
Runs the client execution unit.
Sends termination indication to demonstration servers.
Specifies the name of the target database.
Specifies the number of events to be raised by the client.
Default: 5
Examples: apiademo command
The following commands are equivalent:
This command…
Is the same as this command…
apiademo dbname
apiademo -s -c -t dbname 5
apiademo -c dbname
apiademo -c dbname 5
apiademo -t dbname
apiademo -c -t db 0