A. Keywords
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In This Appendix
This appendix lists Ingres keywords and the contexts in which they are reserved. You can use the lists to avoid assigning object names that conflict with reserved words.
Note:  The keywords listed do not necessarily correspond to supported features. Some words are reserved for future or internal use, and to provide backward compatibility.
The table column headings have the following meanings:
ISQL--Interactive SQL
Indicates keywords are reserved by the DBMS
ESQL--Embedded SQL
Indicates keywords are reserved by the SQL preprocessors
IQUEL--Interactive QUEL
Indicates keywords are reserved by the DBMS
EQUEL--Embedded QUEL
Indicates keywords are reserved by the QUEL preprocessors
4GL--Ingres 4GL
Indicates keywords are reserved in the context of SQL or QUEL in 4GL routines
Note:  The ESQL and EQUEL preprocessors also reserve forms statements. Forms statements are described in the Forms-based Application Development Tools User Guide.